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Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr


read more "HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 "


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

Welcome the 2012.2012 which will never happen in future years

read more "2012-2012 A auspicious Day ever in this world"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

read more "Brilliant way to lose weight !!! (Contrex Commercial)"



 Gangnam Ramarajan Style

read more " Gangnam Ramarajan Style Video"



No offense to a number of postings, but mankind and human existencehave only been on this planet for a little over 30,000 years, not millions.
I have been researching this occurrence of December 21, 2012 (some scientists predict December 23 to be the day) for about a year now. Here are some facts that have come forth. The unique alignment of Earth, which will place Earth in the center of our Milky Way and the Earth will be in the middle of two extremely strong gravitational forces, the Sun and a dark star or hole that will cause the Earth to have what is called a "Pole Reversal" which means that the North and South Pole will change positions. It involves the Earth's magnetic fields that are currently starting to shift and also getting weaker. Notice things in the news that presents some evidence of this. Why are the Bees disappearing? Why do whales swim up on shore? Why are some migratory birds losing their way? These creatures are all using the magnetic field or the "North Pole" as their guidance system. This magnetic field has already started to shift or rotate and this anomily is throwing their built-in radar awry. This magnetic field that goes up and down through the Earth and outward into space
around the Earth is what protects all life on Earth from cosmic radiation penetrating to Earth's surface from the sun. As this shield becomes weaker, it will no longer be shielding all things on Earth's surface.
This is just one danger that threatens our life and every other living thing, but there is a myriad of other dangerous things that will happen.
Remember, science is based on facts that have been discovered or can be proven without any doubts. It is absolute, like math. Einstein's
"Theory of Relativity" he proved with calculus and other mathematical
equations that "E=MC2" (Squared) proved that there are two forms of everything in the universe, being energy (light) and mass (solids), and that light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second.
Back to "Pole Reversal"; Ever switch the battery cables on your car
that go to the alternator? What happens? the armature inside the alternator turns the opposite direction. This is pole reversal. The Earth's crust or outer plate will spin or slide around the magma or molten core insidethe Earth. The crust of the Earth is about 17 to 25 miles thick and the inside core is hot molten lava or magma.
These "Pole Reversals" have been happening about every 25,800 years. (Some scientists say about every 11,100).
Never-the-less, when this reversal takes place the other dangers that will present themselves will be Sunami's, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, fires, floods, etc. Its not predicted to be the end of the world, but about 85% to 90% of humans will perish.

Thanks for Yahoo Answers

டிசம்பர் 21 & 23 2012 பற்றிய ஒரு கட்டுரை

பதிவுகள் பல எந்த குற்றமும், மனித மற்றும் மனித நோக்கம் existencehave மட்டும், 30,000 ஆண்டுகளில் ஒரு சிறு இந்த உலகில் மில்லியன் கணக்கான இருந்தது.
நான் டிசம்பர் 21, 2012 இந்த நிகழ்வு ஆராய்ச்சி beens இப்போது சுமார் ஒரு ஆண்டு (சில விஞ்ஞானிகள் டிசம்பர் 23 நாள் கணித்துள்ளனர்). இங்கே முன்னும் பின்னுமாக வந்து கொண்டிருக்கும் சில உண்மைகள் இருக்கின்றன. வரை நமது பால்வீதியில் மற்றும் பூமியின் மைய பகுதியில் பூமியின் இரு மிகவும் வலுவான ஈர்ப்பு சக்திகள் மத்தியில் இருக்கும் என்று எந்த பூமியின் தனிப்பட்ட சீரமைப்பு, மற்றும் சன் நட்சத்திரம் அல்லது ஒரு இருண்ட துளை ஏனெனில் எனப்படும் வேண்டும் என்று பூமி தொகுப்பு க்வே லீ வட மற்றும் தென் துருவ அதாவது ஒரு "துருவ திருப்பம்" நிலைகள் மாறும். இது பூமியின் காந்த புலங்கள் தற்போது அந்த மாற்றத்திற்கு தொடங்கி பலவீனமான aussi பெறுகின்றனர் சம்பந்தப்பட்டதாகும். இந்த சில ஆதாரங்கள் உள்ளன என்று செய்தி விஷயங்களை கவனிக்கும். ஏன் பீஸ் மறைந்து இருக்கும்? ஏன் திமிங்கலங்கள் கரையில் வரை நீந்த? ஏன் அவர்கள் வழி இழந்து சில பறவைகள் இருக்கும்? இந்த உயிரினங்கள் அனைத்தும் அவர்களின் வழிகாட்டுதல் அமைப்பு காந்த புலம் அல்லது "வட துருவம்" பயன்படுத்தி வருகிறது. இந்த காந்த புலம் ஏற்கனவே சுழற்ற HAS மாற்ற தொடங்கியது மற்றும் தங்க இந்த கோணலான anomily அவர்களது உள்ளமைக்கப்பட்ட ராடார் எறிந்து உள்ளது. மேலே சென்று கீழே பூமியின் மூலம் மற்றும் அது இந்த காந்த புலம் விண்வெளி வெளிநோக்கி
பூமியை சுற்றி அனைத்து சூரிய மேற்பரப்பு பூமிக்கு ஊடுருவி அண்டக்கதிர்வீசல் இருந்து பூமியின் பாதுகாக்கவும் தான் வாழ்க்கை என்ன ஆகும். இந்த கவசம் பலவீனமாகினால், அது இனி பூமியின் மேற்பரப்பில் எல்லாம் காப்பாக.
இது நம் வாழ்க்கை மற்றும் ஒவ்வொரு பிற நாடு ஒன்று அச்சுறுத்தும் ஒரு ஆபத்து இருக்கிறது, நடக்கும் மற்ற அபாயகரமான விஷயங்களை ஒரு இலக்கு எண்ணற்ற உள்ளது.
நினைவில் வைத்து கொள்ளுங்கள், அறிவியல் தங்க ஏதாவதொன்று சந்தேகங்கள் இல்லாமல் நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது முடியும் என்று கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது உண்மைகளை அடிப்படையாக கொண்டது. அது கணித போல், முழு உள்ளது. ஐன்ஸ்டீனின்
"சார்பியல் கோட்பாடு" அவர் கால்குலஸ் மற்றும் கணித மற்ற நிரூபிக்க
அந்த சமன்பாடுகள் "E = MC2" (ஸ்கொயர்) பிரபஞ்சத்தில் எல்லாம் இரண்டு வடிவங்கள், விநாடிக்கு 186.000 மைல்கள் ஒரு வேகத்தில் இருப்பதால் ஆற்றல் (ஒளி) மற்றும் வெகுஜன (திட), மற்றும் அந்த ஒளியானது உள்ளன என்பதை நிரூபித்துவிட்டாய்.
"கம்பம் தலைகீழ்" திரும்பி; என்றும் உங்கள் கார் பேட்டரி கேபிள்கள் மாற
அந்த மின்மாற்றி சென்று? என்ன நடக்கிறது? மின்மாற்றி உள்ளே கவசம் எதிர் திசையில் திருப்பி. இந்த துருவ திருப்பம் ஆகும். பூமியின் மேற்பரப்பில் அல்லது வெளி தட்டு சரிய அல்லது மாக்மா அல்லது உருகிய மையப்பகுதியை insidethe பூமியை சுற்றி சுழன்று. பூமியின் மேலோடு 25 17 மைல் தொலைவில் அடர்ந்த மற்றும் உள்ளே மைய வெப்பமான உருகிய எரிமலை அல்லது மாக்மா உள்ளது.
இந்த "கம்பம் மாற்றம்" ஒவ்வொரு 25,800 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு நடந்து வருகின்றன. (சில விஞ்ஞானிகள் ஒவ்வொரு 11,100 பற்றி).
ஒருபோதும்-குறைவாக, இந்த தலைகீழ் எடுத்து போது மற்ற ஆபத்துக்களை Sunami தான், பூகம்பம், எரிமலைகள், சுழற்காற்று, தீ, வெள்ளம், முதலியன இருக்கும் என்று தங்களை வெளிப்படுத்தி உள்ளது. மனிதர்களில் 85% முதல் 90% அழுவாய் பற்றி உலக அதன் இல்லை இறுதியில் இருக்கும் என்று கணிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது, குடித்தது.

நன்றி: யாகூ பதில்கள்
read more "Whats is to be there on December 21 or 23 2012?(In English & Tamil)"

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Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr


Oppa Gangnam ஸ்டைல்
Gangnam பாணி

நாள் போது வெப்பம் மற்றும் humanle யார் ஒரு பெண்
ஒரு கப் காபி சுதந்திரம் அனுபவிக்க எப்படி தெரியும் ஒரு கம்பீரமானவன் பெண்
இரவு வரும் போது அதன் இதயம் ஒரு பெண் சூடாகி
திருப்பமாக அந்த வகையான ஒரு பெண்

நான் ஒரு பையன் தான்
நாள் போது உங்களை போல் சூடாக இருக்கும் ஒரு பையன்
அது கூட கீழே குளிர்ந்திருக்கிறது ஒரு படி தனது காபி முன் ஒரு பையன்
இரவு வரும் போது அதன் இதயம் ஒரு பையன் வெடிப்புகள்
அவன் அந்த வகையான

அழகான, loveable
நீங்கள், , ஆமாம் நீங்கள், ஆமாம், ஏய்
அழகான, loveable
நீங்கள், , ஆமாம் நீங்கள், ஆமாம், ஏய்
இப்போது நாம் போகலாம் இறுதி வரை

Oppa Gangnam பாணி, Gangnam ஸ்டைல்
Oppa Gangnam பாணி, Gangnam ஸ்டைல்
Oppa Gangnam ஸ்டைல்

லேடி ம்ம்-கவர்ச்சி, Oppa Gangnam ஸ்டைல்
ம்ம், என் லேடி

அவர் விளையாடும் போது அமைதியாக இருக்கும் ஆனால் ஒரு பெண்ணாக நடிக்கிறார்
சரியான நேரம் வரும்போது அவளை முடி தரக்குறைவாக ஒரு பெண்
தன்னை உள்ளடக்கி ஆனால் ஒரு பெண் அதை அனைத்து bares ஒரு பெண் விட கவர்ச்சியாக உள்ளது
அப்படி ஒரு sensable பெண்

நான் ஒரு பையன் தான்
அவர் விளையாடும் போது அமைதியாக இருக்கிறது ஆனால் ஒரு பையன் வகிக்கிறது
சரியான நேரம் வரும்போது முழுமையாக மனநலம்குன்றியவர் ஒரு பையன்
கருத்துக்கள் விட தசைகள் வீக்கம் யார் ஒரு பையன்
அவன் அந்த வகையான

அழகான, loveable
நீங்கள், , ஆமாம் நீங்கள், ஆமாம், ஏய்
அழகான, loveable
நீங்கள், , ஆமாம் நீங்கள், ஆமாம், ஏய்
இப்போது நாம் போகலாம் இறுதி வரை

Oppa Gangnam பாணி, Gangnam ஸ்டைல்
Oppa Gangnam பாணி, Gangnam ஸ்டைல்
Oppa Gangnam ஸ்டைல்

லேடி ம்ம்-கவர்ச்சி, Oppa Gangnam ஸ்டைல்
ம்ம், என் லேடி

இயங்கும் மனிதன் மேல் பறக்கும் மனிதன், குழந்தை குழந்தை
நான் ஒரு விஷயத்தை அல்லது இரண்டு தெரியும் ஒரு மனிதன் தான்
இயங்கும் மனிதன் மேல் பறக்கும் மனிதன், குழந்தை குழந்தை
நான் ஒரு விஷயத்தை அல்லது இரண்டு தெரியும் ஒரு மனிதன் தான்

நான் என்ன சொல்கிறேன் என்று
Oppa Gangnam ஸ்டைல்

லேடி ம்ம்-கவர்ச்சி, Oppa Gangnam ஸ்டைல்
ம்ம், என் லேடி  
read more "Gangnam Style Lyrics in Tamil"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr
read more "A Raja Interview on Puthiyathalaimurai TV"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr courtesy:YAHOO NEWS
NEW DELHI: United Progressive Alliance (UPA) candidate Pranab Mukherjee wins the presidential race by beating NDA-backed PA Sangma by a huge margin as he scored more than 558,000 votes crossing the required half-way mark of 5,25,140 votes. His rival, former Lok Sabha speaker P.A. Sangma, was way behind with 239,966 votes as counting continued, Mukherjee's polling agent Pravin H. Parikh said. "He has crossed the halfway mark. He is the president-elect," Parikh said. The win was anticipated as Mukherjee had the backing of the Trinamool Congress, the Rashtriya Janata Dal, the DMK, the Forward Bloc and Samajwadi Party but also National Democratic Alliance (NDA) ally Janata Dal-United and Shiv Sena. "I am very happy. I thank everybody for their love and support. I thank all the people of my country," Mukherjee told a Bengali news channel. "In the last one month I have covered the entire country. And with the emotions and feelings that I have sensed in the common people revolving round this presidential election, it felt like it was not a presidential election but a general election. "I am very happy, and I will strive to live up to the expectations and faith that people have bestowed on me," Mukherjee said in his first comments. Officials opened the ballot boxes in Room 63 of Parliament House with representatives from both candidates present. The first wooden box that was opened contained the votes of MPs cast in Delhi Thursday when the election took place. Congress leaders including Home Minister P. Chidambaram, Minister of State in Prime Minister's Office V. Narayanasamy and Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Rajiv Shukla were in the room. Mukherjee will be administered the oath of office by the Chief Justice of India on July 25 at the Central Hall of Parliament. The contest was between UPA candidate Pranab Mukherjee and opposition-supported Purno Sangma, a former Lok Sabha speaker. The odds were heavily stacked against Sangma the man who has never lost any election from 1977 till 2008. And Sanga's defeat to Mukherjee, would mean that for the first time in 35 years that he would be left without any 'current' designation. Ever since he threw his hat into the presidential ring, Sangma has been clinging on to the 'conscience vote', 'miracle' and 'hope' rhetoric. Sangma had indubitably brought in an element of excitement into the 2012 presidential poll which even made former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav fumble during Thursday's poll, rendering his vote invalid'. Earlier in the day his daughter Sharmistha Mukherjee said the family will celebrate only after he was sworn in. However, celebrations began at Mukherjee's native village Birbhum in West Bengal much before the results were announced. Party leaders have also been visiting his residence with boxes of sweets to be distributed when the results are announced. The counting of ballots were conducted amidst tight security in Parliament House in the presence of authorised representatives of both Mukherjee and Sangma. The ballot boxes of votes cast in Parliament House were taken up first for counting after which those from the states were opened. Pranab Mukherjee's win will bring an end the lament of Bengalis of not seeing a local boy occupying the highest constitutional post of the country. Mukherjee, often referred to as the best Prime Minister India never had, began his political career in 1969 and has served in every Congress cabinet since Indira Gandhi was Prime Minister. Trinamool Congress (TMC), Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), JD (S), CPI-M, YSR Congress and Forward Bloc have also extended their support to Mukherjee along with NDA partners Janata Dal-United and Shiv Sena. About 95 percent of the 4,896 electorate exercised their franchise to elect India's 13th president at polling centres set up at Parliament House and 30 state and union territories. The president is elected by an electoral college of MPs and members of state assemblies. All MPs except those nominated to parliament are eligible to vote. There are 776 MPs; each MP's vote equals 708 votes. There were 4,120 assembly members eligible to vote. The value of a legislator's vote is variable depending on the population of the state the member represents. Besides the support of the UPA led by the Congress, Mukherjee enjoyed the backing of the Samajwadi Party, Bahujan Samaj Party, Rashtriya Janata Dal and Janata Dal-Secular. Constituents of the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance, Janata Dal-United and Shiv Sena, also extended their support to the former finance minister besides the CPI-M and Forward Bloc. Sangma, a member of the Meghalaya assembly, is supported by the BJP, Akali Dal, Asom Gana Parishad, Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, AIADMK and Biju Janata Dal. P.A. Sangma, a former Lok Sabha Speaker, jumped into the fray playing the tribal card with the initial support of the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK). The BJP and Akali Dal decided to back Sangma, who quit the NCP, the party he founded with Sharad Pawar, to contest the election.
read more "Pranab Mukherjee 13 TH PRESIDENT OF INDIA"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr Nithyananda's Interview in Pudhiya Thalaimurai TV on 17-06-2012
read more "Nithyananda's Interview in Pudhiya Thalaimurai TV 17-06-2012"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr Many 3D movies are releasing now a days same way many infections are also spreading!!!! Yes!!! Next time you visit the cinema to catch a 3D movie, ensure that the glasses provided for viewing are sterilized. The sharing of 3D glasses is one of the factors for the increase in conjunctivitis cases of late. With the monsoon round the corner, the eye infection will only spread faster, say doctors. "Using unsterile 3D glasses previously worn by an infected person could leave you infected. Thousands of people watch films everyday, and given the popularity of 3D movies it is necessary that extra care be taken for the sterilisation of eyewear," said an expert. He said use of disposable glasses was advisable.
read more "Beware! Shared 3D glasses- Harbour Infection"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr
The 2012 edition of DLF Indian Premier League (IPL) tournament will kick off in grand style with the Opening Nite in Chennai, the home to reigning champions Chennai Super Kings. The DLF IPL opening ceremony will be held at YMCA College of Physical Education grounds, Nandanam in Chennai on April 3, 2012 from 7.30 pm onwards. Gates will open at 5 pm. This year, a mix of top Indian and International performances as well as the cream of the cricketing world will be a part of the Opening Nite. Sale of tickets commences at YMCA College of Physical Education Grounds, Nandanam, Chennai from March 27. Ticket Prices: • Silver: Rs 1500 • Gold: Rs 3000 • Diamond: Rs 5000 • Platinum: Rs 8000 Tickets will be available from March 20 till April 2 at the below mentioned venues: • Cafe Coffee Day Outlets • Land Mark Outlets • Sathyam Cinemas • Abirami Mall • 5th Avenue-Annanagar • Adyar • Ampa Mall • Besanth Nagar • C.P.Ramaswamy Road • Cenotaph Road • KKR Complex • R.K - Salai • Alsa Mall • Kadar Navaz Khan Rd
read more "IPL Season 5"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr
London, Feb 28 (ANI): Finnish mobile phone maker Nokia has unveiled a new smartphone with an unprecedented 41-megapixel camera. The 450 Euros device, 808 PureView, runs on software that Nokia is reportedly phasing out in favour of the Windows Phone. The new smartphone, which was announced at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, is expected to launch in Europe in May, The Telegraph reports. With 41 MP, the phone is able to shoot images that Nokia claims can be printed in "poster size". Files, however, condense four or five pixels into one, and Nokia claims they are smaller than equivalent products from rivals. A Carl Zeiss lens shoots in continuous focus HD video, at 1080p. Mary McDowell, the firm's executive vice president for mobile phones, said the company's engineers had been working on the product "for years". She said it was "natural" to assume that its technology would be used in other Nokia products in the future. McDowell added that while the device was larger than its rivals, it was still sized to fit in pockets, rather than replace a full-size camera. According to the report, the device uses a 1.3GHz processor, comes with 16GB of storage and runs a 4" screen at 360 x 640, which is below HD resolution.
read more "Nokia launches 41-MP camera smartphone"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr
Actor Suriya impresses television audience with the very first episode of Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi. Bollywood stars Amitabh Bachchan, SRK and Salman Khan have all hosted shows of their own, but down south, Suriya is the first actor to take up hosting. Apparently, before accepting the KBC Tamil version offer, Suriya had met Amitabh on the sets of KBC and spent a whole day watching him host the show. He had interacted with Big B about the show and it was Amitabh who’d inspired him to do the show in Tamil. Amitabh had insisted that he take up the KBC Tamil version as he felt that it was an excellent medium to connect directly with the audience. In fact, there was a cute message from Big B to Suriya telling him to rock on the show. Sriram from Vijay TV says, “Suriya is a perfectionist. He wanted to know all about the show and watch the shooting before he committed to it. We spent a day on the sets of KBC in Mumbai as a learning session. It was good to watch Suriya spending time on the sets amidst his busy film shootings.”
read more "Amitabh Bachchan’s message to Suriya about Neeangalum Vellalam Oru Kodi"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr
read more "Wwe tamil remix Mangatha"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

Source: india15min.com | 14.01.2012 20:42

SAN FRANCISCO: Apple Inc's next iPad, expected to go on sale in March, will sport a high-definition screen, run a faster processor and work with next-generation wireless networks, according to three people familiar with the product.

The company's manufacturing partners in Asia started ramping up production of the iPad 3 this month and plan to reach full volumes by February, said one of the people, who asked not to be named because the details aren't public. The tablet will use a quad-core chip, an enhancement that lets users jump more quickly between applications, two of the people said.

Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook is counting on the new model to ward off mounting competition in a market that Apple pioneered two years ago. After its debut in 2010, the iPad emerged as the company's second-biggest source of revenue -- after the iPhone -- and inspired rival products from Amazon.com Inc and Samsung Electronics Co. Apple has sold more than 40 million iPads, generating at least $25.3 billion in sales.

Natalie Kerris, a spokeswoman for Apple, said the company doesn't comment on rumor and speculation.

The Cupertino, California-based company has been working on making the iPad compatible with a wireless standard called long- term evolution, or LTE, said one of the people. Carriers such as Verizon Wireless​ and ATT Inc are rolling out LTE networks to give users faster access to data.

LTE networks
Smartphone makers, including Samsung, Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc and Nokia Oyj​, have already introduced smartphones that work on the faster networks. Apple is bringing LTE to the iPad before the iPhone because the tablet has a bigger battery and can better support the power requirements of the newer technology, said one of the people.

The new display is capable of greater resolution than the current iPad, with more pixels on its screen than some high- definition televisions, the person said. The pixels are small enough to make the images look like printed material, according to the person. Videos begin playing almost instantly because of the additional graphics processing, the person said.

The new iPad is being assembled by Apple's main manufacturing partner, Foxconn Technology Group​. Like most technology companies, Apple contracts with companies in Asia for labor to assemble its devices. Foxconn, which also builds the iPhone and other Apple products, gets about 22 per cent of its sales from Apple, according to supply-chain data compiled by Bloomberg.

Boosting production
Mass production began at the start of this month, with factories running 24 hours a day in China, one of the people said. Manufacturing will halt over China's Lunar New Year holiday this month and then ramp back up to a peak in February, the person said.

The introduction of the new iPad will be Apple's first major hardware release since the death of company co-founder Steve Jobs in October. The company is hosting an education event focused on electronic textbooks next week that won't include any hardware introductions, said a person familiar with the matter.

Apple, the world's largest technology company by market value, was little changed yesterday in US trading at $419.81. The stock rose 26 percent in 2011, marking its third straight year of gains.
read more "iPad 3 to launch coming March 2012"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

Thane (Maharashtra), Jan 12 (IANS) A fake ration card issued in the name of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, enlisting names of her two children as Rahul and Priyanka, was found in Maharashtra's Thane district, said a right to information activist Wednesday.

The card was issued in August last year by Thane ration authority. The family's annual income in it was shown as Rs.30,000 and it bore Gandhi's New Delhi address, activist Praveen Pandey told IANS.

The card was found in a parking lot of the Ulhasnagar Municipal Corporation, around 60 km northeast of Mumbai.

My friend Premchand Jha and I had some work at the UMC Saturday and while we were parking our vehicle, we found a ration card lying in the parking lot. We thought someone must have lost it. But we were shocked to see that it was issued in the names of Sonia Gandhi and her children Rahul and Priyanka. It even bore the New Delhi address,' he said.

Pandey said that with municipal polls round the corner in several parts of the state, such bogus ration cards may be used for illegal voting.

He said that their NGO, Ulhasnagar Bachao Abhiyan, had written to the election commission and requested that the ration card be disqualified on the basis of the Delhi address.

'The signature of the issuing authority read as Mr. Kambale, but when we checked at the ration office, there was no officer with that surname. Hence we are convinced that the ration card is most definitely a fake and was made with a purpose to get a voter's identity card,' Pandey said.
read more "Fake ration card in Sonia Gandhi's name"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

world4art.com - Orkut scraps, graphic and comments
from Jayavijayan

from Jayavijayan Jvjn..........
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Hi friends i(forwardshop.blogspot.com) am wishing you a very Prosperous new year 2012 to all people

orkut scraps

Send a New Year Scrap Today to my official website

Greetings from Jayavijayan Jvjn
read more "Happy New year 2011 to all Internet and Blog Users"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

Translation may not be proper.If you found any mistakes sorry for that.....

அதன் அதிகாரப்பூர்வ! படம் சிவகுமார் விஜய் தொலைக்காட்சியில் Neengalum Vellalam ஒரு KODI.இந்தியர்கள் மில்லியன் பிடித்த கேம் ஷோ என பனேகா குரோர்பதி இப்போது மேட்டின் ஐடியல் படம் விளையாடி ஹோஸ்ட் உடன் தெற்கு கீழே வருகிறது.

பல உயர்மட்ட உச்சநிலை நடிகர்கள் 'பெயர்கள் இந்த விளையாட்டு நிகழ்ச்சியில் உபசரிக்க வதந்திகள் இருந்தாலும், அபத்தம் வருகிறது மற்றும் முன் தயாரிப்பு பணி இந்த நிகழ்ச்சி ஒரு விறுவிறுப்பான வேகத்தில் நடக்கிறது என்று அனைத்து. தயாரிப்பாளர்கள் அவரது நட்பு அணுகுமுறை மற்றும் கற்றுதரக்கூடிய இயற்கை அறியப்படுகிறது தங்கள் தூதரானார் படம், பற்றி நம்பிக்கை உள்ளன.

'Neengalum Vellalam ஒரு டிசம்பர்' பிப்ரவரி இருந்து காற்றில் போய்விடும். வதந்தி மில்ஸ் நிகழ்ச்சிக்கு முன்பு ஜனவரி அதாவது பொங்கல் 2012, காற்று போகும் என்று இருந்தது. 'ஒரு கேள்வி உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையை மாற்ற முடியும்' இந்த நிகழ்ச்சியின் கோஷம் உள்ளது.

படம் அனைத்து பருவத்தின் மிக பெரிய விளையாட்டு ஹோஸ்ட் அமைக்கப்படுகிறது இப்போது, நீங்கள் சூடான இருக்கையில் பங்கேற்க தயாராக உள்ளனர்?

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Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

Its official! Suriya Sivakumar will be hosting Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi in Vijay TV! Kaun Banega Crorepati that has been the favourite game show of millions of Indians now comes down south with matinee idol Suriya playing host.

Although many top notch actors' names were rumoured to play host in this game show, all that has been rubbished and the pre-production work is going on at a brisk pace for this show. The makers are confident about their brand ambassador Suriya, who is known for his friendly approach and interactive nature.

'Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi' will go on air from February. Rumour mills earlier had it that the show will go on air from Pongal 2012, that is to say January. 'A question can change your life' is the tagline of this show.

Now that Suriya is all set to host the biggest game of the season, are you ready to participate in the hot seat?

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Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

Pandoravai Thandi Varuvaya Comedy Mix from AVATAR AND VINNAI THANDI VARUVAYA

read more "Pandoravai Thandi Varuvaya Comedy Mix from AVATAR AND VTV"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

On My GOD Teen age version-Why this Kolaveri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

read more "Teen age version-Why this Kolaveri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr



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Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

The full tamil version FROM Tanglish version "WHY THIS KOLAVERI"

read more "Why This Kolaveri Di (Tamil Version)"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

'The Dirty Picture' managed to create ample pre-release buzz thanks to a voluptuous Vidya in the lead and a storyline inspired by Silk Smitha, who was known for her overt sexuality. Milan Luthria's film stands out not only for the bold theme but for Vidya's 'bomblaat' performance.

Raja Sen in his review writes about Vidya's performance:

Balan exultantly runs with it, making the character her own with remarkable commitment to the role. There is no vulgarity -- even when she writhes awkwardly and desperately around a whip -- simply because Balan visibly chooses to have a helluva time. She might not match the legend whose name she's borrowed in terms of sheer screen raunch, but outdoes her with an assault of unashamed oomph. Vanity is disregarded early on as we see the actress' paunch rolling over her waistline, even when she's at her hottest, and later, as her gut barrels out of shape and yet she continues to wear midriff-baring tops, we see just how defiantly unapologetic she is.

While Rajeev Masand agrees that the, "Gutsy Vidya Balan makes 'Dirty Picture' watchable". He also points out the flaws in the narrative:

All those lured in solely by the promise of skin-show are unlikely to complain. Yet, despite its masala scenes, heavy dialoguebaazi and liberal sexual innuendo, in the final analysis, this film is far from perfect. The Dirty Picture takes an unconventional idea and bakes it in a predictable oven.

What it suffers most from, unfortunately, is lazy writing. With a plot straight out of a Madhur Bhandarkar film, and a screenplay that follows a familiar graph, The Dirty Picture offers a superficial, simplistic view of the seamy, exploitative side of the 80s film business. There is little attempt to treat this material with sensitivity and depth. No sir, this film unfolds as a series of provocative scenes strung together on the strength of their sexually loaded dialogues.

Some critics mention that this film is a "celebration of the eighties". Mayank Shekhar in his review writes:

The film however, even when not mimicking its subject, somewhat retains its '80s feel: excessive dialoguebaazi, often loaded with double entendres, some loud scenes with actors always in a state of emergency, and the "serial kisser" (Emraan Hashmi) who must land a Sufi song, and a girl's lips to satisfy his core audiences. Sometimes we remain suspended too much in disbelief. It starts to match the film within the film! This irony is oddly intriguing. It won't be lost on anyone.

However, it's Vidya's performance that gets the accolades. Vidya's uninhibited performance is being considered the most "ballsiest role so far". Nikhat Kazmi says,

The Dirty Picture is essentially Vidya Balan's film, all the way. She gives a towering performance as the protagonist who remains unapologetic about her life till the very end. The high point of her act is the fact that despite portraying a sex bomb, her sexuality never ever gets vulgar and crude. Instead, there is an endearing quality to her attempts to shock and awe a staid society that thrives on the fake. Her tour de force act however doesn't throw the male leads into the shadows. They manage to hold their own in full measure, despite the relative meagerness of their roles. Also, it is the naughty dialogues (Rajat Arora) of the film which add immense flavour to the proceedings. It's a no-holds-barred screenplay which rightly refuses to treat sex as a four letter word. Kudos to Milan Luthria for handling such a controversial theme with such sensitivity and boldness.
read more "The Dirty Picture -Review"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

E-commerce company Cooking.com has landed $13.5 million in growth capital financing in a combined debt and equity round led by private investment firm BIA Digital Partners, with San Francisco-based VC firm Azure Capital Partners participating.

The capital will be used to grow the company’s flagship site – unsurprisingly, that would be Cooking.com – and to accelerate the build-out of its “Powered By Cooking.com” e-commerce solution for branded partner stores looking to sell cookware and kitchenware products online.

Cooking.com says it offers its customers access to over 60,000 products for the kitchen as well as recipes, menus, collections and a growing library of crowd-sourced cooking content.

The company was founded in 1998 (dotcom survivor alert) and is based in Marina del Rey, CA.
read more "www.cooking.com-Grabs $13.5 Million"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

While not everyone would agree, I’m firmly of the belief that news (and most everything) sounds much better delivered in a British accent.

The BBC​’s new global iPlayer app, which has launched in more than 11 western European countries, offers up much more than just your daily news, but is chock-full of fun words like “arse,” “blimey,” and one of my personal favorites, “daft.” If you’re into that kinda thing (like myself), you likely want to know that the BBC will launch its iPlayer app on the iPhone and iPod touch on Thursday.

The service works a bit differently for the Brits than it does for us international users, reports TNW. In the UK, the iPlayer is more of a back-up type service, allowing you to watch broadcasted content for up to 30 days after it airs. In Europe and now Canada, the app is a much broader subscription service, letting users choose from a wide library of current and former British programming.

But according to the BBC, the growth and expansion of its iPlayer app is about much more than having a mobile presence. It’s about the migration of TV to mobile devices in general, and the BBC sees this platform as a way to further British culture as a whole.

Jana Bennett​, president of worldwide networks and Global BBC iPlayer, had this to say:

This platform extension shows how Global iPlayer isn’t just about moving TV to tablet devices, it’s also about a mobile strategy – about truly getting TV everywhere in a way that it hasn’t been before. We also want the global BBC iPlayer to be truly representative of the whole gamut of British creative output, to represent everything that is great about British content – not just the Best of British TV but the Best of British Culture.
read more "BBC's Global iPlayer Heads To The iPhone, iPod touch"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

WASHINGTON (AP) — A high school student from California won a $100,000 scholarship Monday for research that created a tiny particle she likened to a "Swiss army knife of cancer treatments" because of its precision in targeting cancer tumors.

Angela Zhang, 17, of Cupertino, Calif., won top individual honors at the Siemens Foundation's annual high school science competition, which announced winners in Washington. Top team honors went to a pair of students from Oak Ridge, Tenn., for their research using gaming technology to analyze the motion involved in walking. Cassee Cain and Ziyuan Liu, both 17, will share a $100,000 scholarship.

Six individuals and six teams were competing for the awards, which are in their 13th year. Zhang, the only female individual finalist, said her research was in part motivated by her family. Her great grandfather had liver cancer and her grandfather died of lung cancer when she was in seventh grade.

"I asked, 'Why does this happen. Why does cancer cause death? What are we doing to fix this and what can I do to help,'" said the Monta Vista High School senior.

Zhang said the particle she designed improves on current cancer treatments because it delivers a drug directly to tumor cells and doesn't affect healthy cells around it. The particle is also able to release a drug when activated by a laser. The idea is still years away from being used in patients, however. Zhang says it could take 25 years between clinical trials and other steps before her research is helping patients.

The team winners, Cain and Liu, got their inspiration from video game technology normally used to track a person's movements for dance, sport and fitness games. The pair of seniors from Oak Ridge High School developed software that uses the technology to analyze the way a person walks. They hope their software can ultimately be used to help people who wear prosthetic limbs improve their walk. Currently, people who have prosthetic limbs generally have to travel to labs to get that kind of help, but Cain and Liu say that because their software uses readily available technology it could be more widely used and also taken to developing countries.

"Anything that has a joint we can track, really, just depending on what we're interested in or what the doctor is interested in," said Cain, who is also the drum major in her high school marching band and a costume designer for the drama club.

The runners-up in the team and individual competitions went home with $50,000 scholarships. Second place in the individual competition was Brian Kim of New York, who studied ways to more efficiently pack objects into a space. The second-place team winners were Edgar Wang, Wayne Shu and Justin Yuan of Troy, Mich., whose research could help treat Alzheimer's disease and stroke.
read more "Calif. teen takes $100K national science prize"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

Original text are in TAMIL.We translated this into ENGLISH USING GOOGLE TRANSLATE.So there may be some mistakes and improper translations with tamil words.

To view the original text content in tamil click here

Cast Dhanush, Aishwarya Dhanush and his wife, film director, will be 3 avatarittu. Published starring opposite Dhanush. Aniruddh newcomer to debut as a composer. While shooting the film in the ongoing, some weeks before the film was released on the audio track from Singh. This is why kolaiveri, kolaiveri ... Tanuse wrote the song sung in English, Tamil and begin to mix.

Nearly 10 lakh for more than one week racittullanar intapatalai. Some people protest against the song, including the Women's Association, many of these songs are very attracted to young children first. Like millions of people, many interesting details behind the song are not seeing the kolaiveri. That's what the film's composer, said anirutte. Here ...

Anirudh 21 year old's dream, a yearning songs mean everything. Forecast for Chennai's Loyola College, B. Com. Completed. How do you music on the young, enthusiasm, the audience will understand the taste, more interested in music for me since childhood. Weston told the teacher Sandhya started to learn music. I learned several musical instruments including the piano like that. Admission she had done many ad films and music reading. This stimulated further interest in this music.

Yes, Aishwarya Dhanush and how you came into the picture that's mutalpatamana 3 In fact, I, Dhanush, Aishwarya Dhanush and only three are well familiar. I've seen a lot of work with them in shorts. Intapatattirku chose me to play music on its basis. It gave me a surprise. Combination of all three of us are a little different. In closing, he said he'll always fun to work, how to compose a song kolaiveri panninunke, wrote and performed lyrics She asked how to tune, I compose music pannikittu nampamattinka was quiet. She then came to a sudden stop in front of Mike Music to write anything, even sing the song arampaccuttaru line. She had everything Subtitles only. The Tamil-English mix my writing, is singing. As for Aishwarya intapattai piticcupe intapattu created a lot. But then we do not know. Hittakum intapattu that much larger. The youth looked ketpankanu prefer. But all vayacukkarankalum racikkiranka intapattu. Intapatal hittakiyullatu tamilnattula abroad only. Thus, our time would be very happy.

3 song in the film, he got a total of 10. A song that re - mix sing. She was the first time, a duet song with tempo பாடியிருக்கிறாரம். Song aniruttum fit club, another song பாடியிருக்கிறார்களாம் leading popular singers. Airtel Super Singer, winning only two people the chance to sing in the film கொடுத்துள்ளார்களாம். The young actor, actress, director, composer, singer and atkale patammulukka entire childhood.

Mutalpatat unreleased tracks and a song in the film not only puts on a super happy ஹிட்டாகியிருப்பது aniruttai. And there have been calls ivaraitteti Bollywood. Two of Bollywood's biggest film companies approach him with their best score. But being busy is now Aniruddh 3 film, it would take after graduating.

The success of kolaiveri, Anirudh is a difference in the world if she mikaiyalla!
read more "Origin of KOLAVERI SONG--A FULL REVIEW in English"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

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தனுஷ் நடிப்பில், அவரது மனைவி ஐஸ்வர்யா தனுஷ் இயக்குநராக அவதரித்து இருக்கும் படம் 3. தனுஷ் ஜோடியாக ஸ்ருதிஹாசன் நடித்து வருகிறார். புதுமுகம் அனிருத் என்பவர் இசையமைப்பாளராக அறிமுகமாகிறார். இப்படத்தின் சூட்டிங் நடந்து வரும் வேளையில், சில வாரத்திற்கு முன்னர் இப்படத்தில் இருந்து சிங்கள் டிராக் ஆடியோவை ரிலீஸ் செய்தனர். வொய் திஸ் கொலைவெறி, கொலைவெறி... என ஆரம்பிக்கும் இப்பாடலை ஆங்கிலம் கலந்த தமிழில் தனுஷே எழுதி பாடியிருக்கிறார்.

ஒரே வாரத்தில் கிட்டத்தட்ட 10லட்சத்திற்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் இந்தபாடலை கேட்டு ரசித்துள்ளனர். மகளிர் அமைப்பினர் உள்ளிட்ட சிலர் இந்த பாடலுக்கு எதிர்ப்பு தெரிவித்தாலும், குழந்தைகள் முதல் இளைஞர்கள் வரை பலரையும் இந்த பாடல் ரொம்பவே கவர்ந்துள்ளது. லட்சக்கணக்கான பேர் விரும்பி, ரசித்து பார்த்த கொலைவெறி பாடலுக்கு பின்னால் பல சுவாரஸ்யமான தகவல்கள் உள்ளன. அது என்னவென்று படத்தின் இசையமைப்பாளர் அனிருத்தே கூறியுள்ளார். இதோ...

21வயது நிரம்பிய அனிருத்தின் கனவு, ஏக்கம் எல்லாமே இசை தானாம். சென்னை லயோலா கல்லூரியில் இந்தாண்டு தான் பி.காம் முடித்துள்ளார். இந்த இளம்வயதில் எப்படி உங்களுக்குள் இசை, ஆர்வமும், ரசிகர்களின் ரசனையும் புரிந்தது என்று கேட்டால், சிறு வயது முதலே எனக்கு இசை ஆர்வம் அதிகம். சந்தியா என்ற டீச்சரிடம் வெஸ்டன் மியூசிக் கற்றுக்கொள்ள தொடங்கினேன். அப்படியே தொடர்ந்து பியானோ உள்ளிட்ட பல்வேறு இசை கருவிகளையும் கற்றுக்கொண்டேன். படித்து கொண்டு இருக்கும்போதே பல விளம்பர படங்களுக்கு இசை சேர்ப்பு செய்திருக்கிறேன். இது எனக்குள் உள்ள இசை ஆர்வத்தை மேலும் தூண்டியது.

சரி, ஐஸ்வர்யா தனுஷின் முதல்படமான 3 படத்தில் எப்படி உங்களுக்கு வாய்ப்பு வந்தது என்று கேட்டால், நான், தனுஷ், ஐஸ்வர்யா தனுஷ் மூவருமே நன்கு அறிமுகமானவர்கள் தான். அவர்களுடன் நிறைய குறும்படங்களில் வேலை பார்த்துள்ளேன். அதன் அடிப்படையில் என்னை இந்தபடத்திற்கு இசையமைக்க தேர்வு செய்தனர். அது எனக்கு ஆச்சரியத்தை அளித்தது. எங்க மூவரின் கூட்டணி கொஞ்சம் வித்தியாசமாக இருக்கும். ஜாலியான மூடில் தான் எப்பவும் ‌ஒர்க் பண்ணுவோம் என்றவரிடம், கொலைவெறி பாட்டு எப்படி கம்போஸ் பண்ணினுங்கே, தனுஷ் எப்படி டியூன் கேட்டு பாடல் வரிகள் எழுதி பாடினார் என்று கேட்டதற்கு, சொன்னா நம்பமாட்டிங்க சும்மா மியூசிக் கம்போஸ் பண்ணிகிட்டு இருந்தேன். அப்போ தனுஷ் திடீர்னு மைக் முன்னாடி வந்து நின்று பாடல் வரி கூட எதுவும் எழுதாமல் மியூசிக் கேட்டு பாட ஆரம்பச்சுட்டாரு. எல்லாமே தனுஷ் போட்ட வரிகள் தான். அதில் தமிழ், ஆங்கிலம் மிக்ஸ் பண்ணி எழுதி, பாடி இருக்கிறார். ஐஸ்வர்யாவுக்கும் இந்தபாட்டு ரொம்ப பிடிச்சுபோக இந்தபாட்டை உருவாக்கினோம். ஆனா அப்போ எங்களுக்கு தெரியாது. இந்தபாட்டு இவ்வளோ பெரிய ஹிட்டாகும் என்று. இளைஞர்கள் விரும்பி கேட்பாங்கனு நினைச்சோம். ஆனா எல்லா வயசுக்காறங்களும் இந்தபாட்டு ரசிக்கிறாங்க. தமிழ்நாட்டுல மட்டுமல்ல வெளிநாடுகளிலும் இந்தபாடல் ஹிட்டாகியுள்ளது. இதனால் எங்க டீமே ரொம்ப சந்தோஷமா இருக்கோம் என்றார்.

3 படத்தில் மொத்தம் 10 பாட்டு இருக்காம். அதில் ஒரு பாடல் ரீ-மிக்ஸ் பாடலாம். முதல்முறையாக தனுஷ், ஸ்ருதியுடன் சேர்ந்து ஒரு டூயட் பாட்டு பாடியிருக்கிறாரம். இதுதவிர கிளப் சாங்கை அனிருத்தும், மற்றொரு பாடலை முன்னணி பிரபல பாடகர்களும் பாடியிருக்கிறார்களாம். அதுமட்டுமல்ல ஏர்டெல் சூப்பர் சிங்கரில் வெற்றி பெற்ற இருவருக்கு இந்த படத்தில் பாட வாய்ப்பு கொடுத்துள்ளார்களாம். இளம் நடிகர், நடிகை, டைரக்டர், இசையமைப்பாளர், பாடகர்கள் என படம்முழுக்க மொத்தமும் சிறு வயது ஆட்‌களே.

முதல்படத்தின் பாடல்களே வெளிவராத நிலையில் படத்தில் உள்ள ஒரு பாடல் மட்டும் சூப்பர் ஹிட்டாகியிருப்பது அனிருத்தை மகிழ்ச்சியில் ஆழ்த்தியுள்ளது. மேலும் இவரைத்தேடி பாலிவுட் அழைப்புகளும் வந்துள்ளன. பாலிவுட்டின் பெரிய சினிமா கம்பெனிகள் இரண்டு தங்களின் படத்திற்கு இசையமைக்க இவரை அணுகியுள்ளது. ஆனால் இப்போது 3 படத்தில் அனிருத் பிஸியாக இருப்பதால், அதை முடித்த பின்னர் பார்த்துக்கொள்ளலாம் என்று சொல்லியிருக்கிறார்.

கொலைவெறியின் வெற்றி, அனிருத்துக்கு உலக அளவில் ஒரு பெரிய திருப்பத்தை உண்டு பண்ணியிருக்கிறது என்றால் அது மிகையல்ல!!
read more "In Tamil-- கொலைவெறி பாடல் உருவான விதம்! வெளிவராத சுவாரஸ்யமான தகவல்கள்!! IN TAMIL"


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A funny video about hitler with I-Phone 4S

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Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

RIP Mr. Dev Anand.
India has lost another person who was a true hero on and off the screen.
Your memories will charm us for a long time to come.


Bollywood star Dev Anand, a charismatic and flamboyant Indian film fixture for more than a half-century, has died of a heart attack in London, his family said Sunday. He was 88.

Famed for his roles in dozens of movies, including Jewel Thief and Guide, the veteran actor, director and producer was working up to the last minute, with a new script in the works.

Anand lived and died on "his own terms," his nephew and renowned film director Shekhar Kapur said in a posting on Twitter. "He was working one minute. Sat down and smiled. And was gone the next. So much to learn."

Anand died of a heart attack Saturday night in a hotel in London, where he had gone recently for a medical checkup, the family said.

India's prime minister joined film stars and officials in lauding Anand's achievements and expressing sorrow for his death.

"Dev Anand was a great artist who entertained generations of cinema lovers over five decades," Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in a statement. "He was an embodiment of long passion for acting and filmmaking. I join millions of his fans in mourning his death."
1946 screen debut

Born on Sept. 26, 1923, as the son of a Punjab lawyer, Anand studied English literature and law, eventually moving in his early 20s to India's film capital of Mumbai, then called Bombay, where he pursued a love of acting.

Known for his good looks, melodious voice and success in romantic leads, Anand was considered a superstar within just a few years of his 1946 screen debut in the Hindi-language film Hum Ek Hain.

Others in his family followed, with his brothers Chetan and Vijay also winning praise as film producers, screenwriters and directors.

Dev Anand also began producing in 1949, and made his directorial debut in 1971 with the popular hippie cult film Hare Rama Hare Krishna.

Never giving up the career, Anand released his latest film, Chargesheet, just a few months ago and was reportedly working on another script when he died.

On his birthday in September, the upbeat actor told the Press Trust of India that he still had more to offer.

"My life is the same, and I am at a beautiful stage at 88," he reportedly said in the interview. "I am as excited as I was in my 20s. I have so many things to do," including a sequel to his 1971 film that he had titled Hare Rama Hare Krishna Aaj.
Socially relevant films

Anand was given several prizes during his career, including lifetime achievement awards by Filmfare in 1993 and Screen Videocon in 1996. His 2007 memoirs, titled Romancing With Life, underlined his belief in making films that were socially relevant.

Also known for social work, Anand dabbled in politics in the 1970s, launching a short-lived political party and leading other film stars in opposing then-prime minister Indira Gandhi's "Emergency" regime, which gave her the power to rule by decree.

"With his death, an era has come to an end. For a career spanning more than five decades, Dev Anand gave us films which will stay entrenched in our minds for years on," Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni said in a statement carried by Press Trust of India. "He was truly a multifaceted performer as an actor, director and producer."

Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan said in a posting on Twitter that Anand's death "leaves a void never perhaps to be filled again."

Prize-winning British-Indian novelist Salman Rushdie lamented in a post: "I grew up watching your films. Sorry to say goodbye."

Anand's family plans to cremate his body in London on Tuesday or Wednesday.
read more "Bollywood film legend Dev Anand Died!!!!!"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

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SEOUL (Reuters) - Samsung Electronics Co surpassed Apple Inc as the world's top smartphone maker with more than 40 percent shipment growth, and forecast strong sales in the fourth quarter, as it aims to consolidate its lead against rivals.

Samsung, which had little traction in the booming smartphone market until early last year, has since staged a strong comeback and reported a record profit from handset sales in the third quarter on Friday.

"Looking ahead into the fourth quarter - when industry demand is traditionally at its peak - Samsung expects sales of mobile devices to remain strong and flat panel TV shipments to increase," Samsung said in its earnings statement.

Profits from the telecoms division more than doubled from a year ago to 2.5 trillion won ($2.2 billion) and accounted for 60 percent of the total profit, mitigating a sharp plunge in earnings from its bread-and-butter memory chips.

Shipments of smartphones jumped more than 40 percent from the preceding quarter and 300 percent from a year ago.

The growth leapfrogs Apple, which sold fewer iPhones in the third quarter from the previous quarter. Apple's iPhone sales slid to 17.1 million units from the second quarter's 20 million units.

Samsung didn't provide third-quarter sales figures, but the percentage growth numbers suggested shipments may have risen to around 27 million units from second-quarter's 19 million units. Nokia , which is also slowly regaining lost ground, sold 16.8 million smartphones.

By 0125 GMT, Samsung shares were up 1.4 percent versus a 1.7 percent gain in the wider market.

Samsung, the world's biggest technology firm by revenue, reported a 4.25 trillion won operating profit for the July-September quarter on Friday, broadly in line with its earlier estimate of 4.2 trillion won.

That was down from 4.9 trillion won a year ago but up from 3.8 trillion won in the preceding quarter.

"I expect to see earnings improve slightly in the fourth quarter, and strongly in 2012. Its telecommunications devices business will continue to do very well, and so will non-memory chips," said Lee Sun-tae, an analyst at Meritz Securities.

Samsung, the biggest handset maker in Google's Android camp, however, faces challenges as the new iPhone , introduced earlier this month, is scoring strong sales, while Nokia is fighting back with its first phones based on Microsoft's Windows software.

Sony Corp also announced on Thursday that it would take full ownership of its mobile venture Sony Ericsson in a bid to exploit its music and video.

Samsung on Thursday announced the launch of its Galaxy Note mobile devices, adding to the flagship Galaxy lineup of products. The devices, powered by the Android software, will square off against a series of new models released by Apple Nokia, and HTC Corp.


Samsung's mainstay chip business saw its profit more than halve to 1.59 trillion won from a year earlier, but it held up well as its relatively high exposure to lucrative mobile chips helped the firm offset a sharp plunge in prices of commodity computer memory chips.

Samsung was the sole profitable firm among major global DRAM chip makers in the third quarter. Second-ranked computer memory chip maker Hynix Semiconductor and Japan 's Elpida Memory swung to deep losses as prices of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips used in PCs tumbled about 50 percent in the third quarter.

Its chip business is also benefiting from strong demand for mobile processor chips used in Apple's iPhone and iPad as well as its own Galaxy smartphones.

Samsung expected demand for PCs to remain weak in the fourth quarter because of weak seasonality, while demand for mobile devices and servers will be relatively strong.

"I see some signs that chip prices have hit bottom as inventories are running out. However, we don't yet know when the industry is going to pick up since macroeconomic uncertainties overshadow the demand outlook," said Park Hyun, an analyst at Tong Yang Securities.

Samsung's display business posted losses for a third consecutive quarter, as weak demand for TVs and PCs outweighed strong sales of smartphones. But losses narrowed from the previous quarter, helped by strong earnings from OLED display, which is widely expected to replace LCD as next-generation flat-screens in mobile devices and TVs.

Samsung competes with Nokia in mobile phones, Sony and LG Electronics Inc in TVs, Toshiba , Hynix in chips and LG Display in displays.

($1 = 1115.250 Korean won)
read more "Samsung surpasses Apple in smartphones, upbeat on Q4"

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6: 05 pm: Farooq Abdullah tweets on Anna's arrest
Farooq Abdullah's tweet on the arrest: Anna Hazare in the company of Kalmadi, Raja and Kanimozhi. The lady of justice is indeed blind.

6: 00 pm Hazare faces complaint in Bhopal on flag hoisting

Anna Hazare may face trouble in Madhya Pradesh with a complainant moving court here for action against him for allegedly hoisting the national flag after sunset during a TV show.

'The plea has been accepted and the next court hearing will take place Aug 25,' said R.K. Pandey, lawyer of petitioner Prakash Thakur. More

5: 45 pm: Over 3000 detained in Mumbai after protests over Anna Hazare's arrest

Over 3,000 people were picked on the charges of unlawful assembly from across Mumbai on Tuesday after they held demonstrations protesting against the police action against activist Anna Hazare, hours before he was to launch his fast against corruption, police said. Read more on DNA

5: 15 pm: Anna will share space with Kalmadi, Raja
Sent to seven days' judicial custody, Anna Hazare will share space in Tihar jail with A Raja and Suresh Kalmadi, both accused in high-profile scams.

4: 40 pm: Shanti Bhushan: Architect of Lokpal bill

Saga of the fearless lawyer, who stood against then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi forty years ago and has now come forward to fight the government against the corruption.

6: 05 pm: Farooq Abdullah tweets on Anna's arrest
Farooq Abdullah's tweet on the arrest: Anna Hazare in the company of Kalmadi, Raja and Kanimozhi. The lady of justice is indeed blind.

6: 00 pm Hazare faces complaint in Bhopal on flag hoisting

Anna Hazare may face trouble in Madhya Pradesh with a complainant moving court here for action against him for allegedly hoisting the national flag after sunset during a TV show.

'The plea has been accepted and the next court hearing will take place Aug 25,' said R.K. Pandey, lawyer of petitioner Prakash Thakur. More

5: 45 pm: Over 3000 detained in Mumbai after protests over Anna Hazare's arrest

Over 3,000 people were picked on the charges of unlawful assembly from across Mumbai on Tuesday after they held demonstrations protesting against the police action against activist Anna Hazare, hours before he was to launch his fast against corruption, police said. Read more on DNA

5: 15 pm: Anna will share space with Kalmadi, Raja
Sent to seven days' judicial custody, Anna Hazare will share space in Tihar jail with A Raja and Suresh Kalmadi, both accused in high-profile scams.

4: 40 pm: Shanti Bhushan: Architect of Lokpal bill

Saga of the fearless lawyer, who stood against then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi forty years ago and has now come forward to fight the government against the corruption.
read more "AnnA HAZARE ARREST-Full Update Time to Time"


Jayavijayan-JVJN www.youtube.com/jjayavijayanr

Suresh Kalmadi

Suresh Kalmadi, almost single handedly caused a loss of hundreds of crores of rupees to the country. The Commonwealth Games, organized by Kalmadi was no less than a loot with numerous reports of the magnum opus event being soaked in corruption making headlines way before the Games had even started. Apparently, out of Rs. 70000 crores spent on the Games, only half of the amount was actually spent. Owing to his involvement in the scam, Kalmadi was charged with corruption and sent to Tihar jail.

A. Raja

A scam worth Rs. 176,000 crore had former Union Cabinet Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Andimuthu Raja at the centre. A. Raja​ as he is generally called, was the prime accused in the 2G spectrum scam, which was the largest that the country had seen in a long time. Following the shocking exposure, Raja was indicted and forced to resign. Presently, he is too has been lodged at the Tihar jail and is awaiting his trial.


Mayawati has always been criticized for ostentatious display of power in her state. She has allegedly used her status as chief minister to amass large amounts of personal wealth. She was charged with corruption when the Taj Heritage Corridor Case was uncovered. Mayawati's birthdays have always been media events, where she usually appears decked in diamond jewellery and also accepts public donations for which, she often comes under fire. Her assets are worth millions of dollars and in the year 2007-08, she had paid an income tax of Rs. 26 crores, which placed her amongst the top 20 taxpayers of the year.

Lalu Prasad Yadav

The fact that Lalu Prasad Yadav​ has been an accused in 63-odd cases serves for the fact that Lalu stands as one of the strongest competitor in the list. The biggest scam that rocked Lalu's political career was the fodder scam which involved the embezzlement of Rs. 950 crore approximately. The accusation of nepotism against him has come up time and again but hardly any action has been taken against him owing to his 'connections' in the government.

Madhu Koda

Former Jharkand Chief Minister, and only the third independent legislator to assume the office of chief minister in India, Madhu Koda​ was responsible for a scam worth over Rs. 4000 crore. The man exploited the state's natural resources by licensing illegal mining leases and stashing away the wealth amassed during the undertaking. Furthermore, the Maoists received a 30% share of the booty. Koda was arrested on charges of money laundering and is still in prison following the rejection of numerous bail applications.

Mulayam Singh Yadav

Mulayam Singh Yadav​ is also known as one of the most corrupt ministers in the country despite not being directly involved in any major scams. Apart from his name being involved in appointments of tainted officers and mishandling of his power as chief minister, Mulayam Singh had one major allegation levelled against him– accumulation of disproportionate assets. The case drew limelight on his sons and daughter-in-law as they too were holders of the assests that amounted to crores of rupees.


The corruptions charges against M. Karunanidhi​ are so many that he is often referred to as the king or emperor of corruption. He was accused of lending support to the LTTE and was indicted for abetting the LTTE in the interim report which oversaw the investigation into Rajiv Gandhi​'s assassination.

Karunanidhi reportedly institutionalized corruption in the South. He was a leading player in the cash for votes scams that are common in the southern region, as well as notorious foe extreme nepotism shown under his rule. Not so surprising, is the fact that the main accused in the 2G scam, A, Raja, considers him to be his mentor.

Sharad Pawar

Very few people can miss the cosy relationship that Sharad Pawar​ shares with power and money.Every now and then, Pawar draws flak for alleged investments made by him and his family in various illegal projects. He was named by Abdul Karim Telgi, during a narcoanalysis test, stating that it was Pawar's brainchild to print fake stamp papers across the country and mint money. He was also accused in a multi-crore scam involving wheat imports and institutions headed by him and his close associates were served notices by the Bombay High Court for showing favoritism to his family.


The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has a staggering 46 corruption cases against her. Amongst the various scams were the Rs. 70 million coal import scam, Tansi land deal case, case of disproportionate assets and colour TV case, amongst many others. A raid in her residence and business establishments led to the seizure of some 28 kg of jewellery (worth Rs 51 crore), 91 wrist-watches, 41 air-conditioners, 10,500 sarees, 750 pairs of footwears, etc. She along with her former cabinet colleagues and senior bureaucrats who worked with her are still facing investigation with regard to corruption.

BS Yeddyurappa

The most recent politician http://www.mensxp.com/special-features/top-10/5458-meet-the-top-10-young-politicians-of-india.html to be caught in the web of corruption is former Chief Minister of Karnataka, B. S. Yeddyurappa. While he has a number of corruption lying against him, the one that toppled his career was his alleged involvement in the illegal iron ore export scam in districts of Karnataka. A lot of blame game followed and ended up with Yeddyurappa losing his ministerial post last month. Despite his denial, his image as one of the most corrupt politicians of the country will not fade anytime soon.

read more "Top 10 CORRUPTION LIST IN INDIA."